viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

Stand up

It was probably the most hard day at work...well at this new job. I had to hear them affirming some cheats and lies... and it was really hard for me to stand on them. My father said that Latam was like that ,that he totally understood me, but guess what, he does nothing, nothing smart at least. He only tries to practice justice with his own hands and  I ve always believed that justice without any strategy has practically no sense. All good battles in past centuries were always won with the right strategy and i guess in real life our battles are represented by these situations called parenting, jobs, studies, being a daughter or a son, whatever. My current battle : To live in Latam and stand this situations at work. I have gotten over many other situations but in any of them i had some power of decision as a protagonist to change the situation quickly or strong enough. At work you normally have no options... and I am not sure this is a Latam thing or it is just international. I feel very dissappointed right now and although i could just turn to be mediocre and live a live as may do... without any trascendence... these are the times in which i have o remind myself for that there is no worth living... i have to change somehow the situation. The big question is how and when it comes to stuff out of my power i will have to delegate it to the greatest power of all... the lord... Sorry if your atheist but life has tought me smart enough by watching fairmen to fail . they are stuff i cannot change and are above me ... change he evil in the world cannot be changed by our stubborness... That i get...